D.I.D has merged their Professional O-Ring V Series and their top selling Premium X-Ring® VM Series into “ONE” New Pro-Street X-Ring® VX Series. Created from the severe demands of today’s top World Superbikes, D.I.D is proud to introduce this New high performance VX Series. In developing this new series, D.I.D focused on improving “Rigidity”.
Traditionally, “Tensile Strength” has been used to indicate the overall strength of a chain. But Tensile Strength is only a laboratory static measurement of a chain’s “breaking point”. Rigidity, on the other hand, is the ability of a chain to withstand forces that occur in a rider’s real world experience. Increased rigidity means better power transfer from the engine to the ground and greater resistance to stretching under load. This translates into smooth handling and quicker response time.
To maximize performance, D.I.D’s race proven X-Ring® design delivers overall improved performance that meets the demands of today’s high-performance machines. The VX Series is the ultimate in performance and durability, and are a perfect match for your dual sport, sport bike or sport touring bike.
The 525 VX Series chain is suitable up to a maximum engine size of 900cc.
DID's VX Chain uses patented X-ring seals. Like O-rings, X-rings function to seal in lubrication and keep dirt out.
Where the cross section of an O-ring is circular, the cross section of an X-ring is 'X' or cross shaped. This gives the seal additional contact points compared to the O ring, offering superior sealing and protection against dirt and grit getting stuck under the seal.
In addition, when under pressure an O-ring becomes squashed and causes friction. An X-ring, when under pressure, diverts this pressure by twisting instead, so an X-ring decreases friction between side plates and reduces power loss by 50% of any other type O-ring chain.
Half the Power Loss (Compared with Normal O-Ring)
D.I.D’s PATENTED X-Ring construction reduces friction by twisting between the side plates instead of being squashed. Normal O-Rings and other makers’ modified O-Rings have squashed points that increase friction. The twisting action of the X-Ring disperses the pressure and minimizes power loss.
DID's X-rings have 40% greater Wear Resistance (Compared with Normal O-Ring)
The X-Ring’s four contact points greatly increase its sealing performance, keeping the dirt out and the lubrication in much better than any other O-Ring. X-Rings have the greatest wear resistance of any other type of O-Ring or Non-O-Ring chain, this means more resistance to stretching, bowing and warping and smoother handling. With the proper maintenance an X-ring chain will last longer than any O-ring or unsealed chain.