For those riding in cooler climes, these are the perfect answer to enable you to keep riding during even the coldest temperatures.
They are self-supporting, and won't collapse back against the levers, so can be fitted to your standard bars - but also they are fully compatible with existing Barkbuster hardware - so all you need to do is unscrew and remove your plastics and fit these over the existing aluminium backbone.
Now you can wear your summer gloves, and feel the full benefit of your heated grips during the winter months.

- Stylish fabric handguard design, lined with a waterproof membrane.
- Can be fitted to almost any handlebar set up.
- Flexes around fairing/windscreen at full steering lock.
- Ideal for faired Sports and Touring motorcycles.
- Anti-flap design is self-supporting under wind pressure.
- Leaves controls free of interference.
- Maximum cold weather protection.
- Can be fitted independently or over existing Barkbusters backbones.
All mounting hardware included to fit:
- To handlebar weight;
- To hollow handlebar; and
- Over existing Barkbusters backbones.