The HEX ezCAN Extension Harness Kit provides you with everything that you need to connect your auxiliary lights, brake lights and horn to the ezCAN, with additional connectors to facilitate other accessories.
The kit contains:
- 2 x 1.5m 3-core extension cables (typically used for 2-wire or 3wire front accessory lights)
- 1 x 0.5m 3-core extension cable (typically used for brake lights)
- 1 x 1.5m 2-core extension cable with spade connectors on one end (typically used to connect air horns or other 2-wire accessories)
- 3 x female MT-3 connector kit including pins and wire seals
- 5 x male MT-3 connector kit including pins and wire seals
- 5 x blanking seals (where only 2 terminals are used in a 3-wire connector)
- 6 x 20mm adhesive lined Heat-shrink
- 2 x female spade connector terminals (6.3mm)
- 1m Sheathing